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Cigarette "King Red 100's" Long Size
Cigarette "King Red 100's" Long Size
Cigarette "King Red 100's" Long Size
Cigarette "King Red 100's" Long Size
Cigarette "King Red 100's" Long Size
Contents: 10 packs of 20 cigarettes each
KVP € 6.20
Article highlights
- 0.8 nicotine / 9 tar / 10 CO
- Long Size 100 mm long
- 20 cigarettes

Article highlights
- 0.8 nicotine / 9 tar / 10 CO
- Long Size 100 mm long
- 20 cigarettes

Technical data
Product safety information
Order history
Modern ,Quality and International yet anchored in heritage since 1947, The King evolves with consumer needs.

Launching The King stands by its reputation of giving the adult consumer a contemporary design with International Quality at an accessible price.  This philosophy has enabled The King to grow in multiple markets globally, including other Key European markets of Austria, Czech Republic, Italy, Spain and France

Technische Daten
The King Red Long 100mm
100 mm
American Blend Tobacco

Safety information
absorption of aromas via mucous membranes, harmful to the unborn child, harmful to children
Wirtschaftsakteur nach ProdSG
KT International SA, 1, Rogoshko Shosse Str., 4003 Plovdiv, BG, office@ktinternational.eu
To see your previous orders, please log in.
Technical data
Order history
Modern ,Quality and International yet anchored in heritage since 1947, The King evolves with consumer needs.

Launching The King stands by its reputation of giving the adult consumer a contemporary design with International Quality at an accessible price.  This philosophy has enabled The King to grow in multiple markets globally, including other Key European markets of Austria, Czech Republic, Italy, Spain and France

Technische Daten
The King Red Long 100mm
100 mm
American Blend Tobacco
To see your previous orders, please log in.
Modern ,Quality and International yet anchored in heritage since 1947, The King evolves with consumer needs.

Launching The King stands by its reputation of giving the adult consumer a contemporary design with International Quality at an accessible price.  This philosophy has enabled The King to grow in multiple markets globally, including other Key European markets of Austria, Czech Republic, Italy, Spain and France

Technical data
Technische Daten
The King Red Long 100mm
100 mm
American Blend Tobacco
Product safety information

Safety information
absorption of aromas via mucous membranes, harmful to the unborn child, harmful to children
Wirtschaftsakteur nach ProdSG
KT International SA, 1, Rogoshko Shosse Str., 4003 Plovdiv, BG, office@ktinternational.eu
Order history
To see your previous orders, please log in.

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