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Cigarette "Corset Marine" 97mm, content: 10 packs of
Cigarette "Corset Marine" 97mm, content: 10 packs of
Cigarette "Corset Marine" 97mm, content: 10 packs of
Cigarette "Corset Marine" 97mm, content: 10 packs of
Cigarette "Corset Marine" 97mm, content: 10 packs of
Cigarette "Corset Marine" 97mm, content: 10 packs of
20 cigarettes of each
Article highlights
Corset Marine:
- 0,7 nicotine / 7 tar / 8 CO
- American Blend Tobacco
- Superslim, 97 mm long, with acetate filter
- 20 cigarettes per Shell Pack
- Blue Shell Pack to unfold

Article highlights
Corset Marine:
- 0,7 nicotine / 7 tar / 8 CO
- American Blend Tobacco
- Superslim, 97 mm long, with acetate filter
- 20 cigarettes per Shell Pack
- Blue Shell Pack to unfold

Technical data
Product safety information
Order history
Inspired by the worlds fashion houses and a winner of International design awards, "Corset" showcased the world's first "Shell Pack" in 2017. Since then "Corset" has inspired consumers across the globe with its innovative, elegant presence. Escalate Colors! Escalate Design! Escalate Fashion!
Tailored with the highest attention to detail, with bold and explosive colours, the new CORSET Marine Shell Pack is sure to surprise even the most discerning consumer. Fashion with all its extraordinary facets served as inspiration for this unique design, which is even present on the cigarette itself.

Technische Daten
Corset Marine

Safety information
absorption of aromas via mucous membranes, harmful to the unborn child, harmful to children
Wirtschaftsakteur nach ProdSG
KT International SA, 1, Rogoshko Shosse Str., 4003 Plovdiv, BG, office@ktinternational.eu
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Technical data
Order history
Inspired by the worlds fashion houses and a winner of International design awards, "Corset" showcased the world's first "Shell Pack" in 2017. Since then "Corset" has inspired consumers across the globe with its innovative, elegant presence. Escalate Colors! Escalate Design! Escalate Fashion!
Tailored with the highest attention to detail, with bold and explosive colours, the new CORSET Marine Shell Pack is sure to surprise even the most discerning consumer. Fashion with all its extraordinary facets served as inspiration for this unique design, which is even present on the cigarette itself.

Technische Daten
Corset Marine
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Inspired by the worlds fashion houses and a winner of International design awards, "Corset" showcased the world's first "Shell Pack" in 2017. Since then "Corset" has inspired consumers across the globe with its innovative, elegant presence. Escalate Colors! Escalate Design! Escalate Fashion!
Tailored with the highest attention to detail, with bold and explosive colours, the new CORSET Marine Shell Pack is sure to surprise even the most discerning consumer. Fashion with all its extraordinary facets served as inspiration for this unique design, which is even present on the cigarette itself.

Technical data
Technische Daten
Corset Marine
Product safety information

Safety information
absorption of aromas via mucous membranes, harmful to the unborn child, harmful to children
Wirtschaftsakteur nach ProdSG
KT International SA, 1, Rogoshko Shosse Str., 4003 Plovdiv, BG, office@ktinternational.eu
Order history
To see your previous orders, please log in.

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