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Rough bowl briar bent   acrylic mouth piece
Rough bowl briar bent   acrylic mouth piece
Rough bowl briar bent   acrylic mouth piece
Rough bowl briar bent acrylic mouth piece
packed in single box
Article highlights
- pre-drilled tobacco bowl and draught hole
- mouthpiece properly adjusted to the stem
- high grade acrylic mouthpiece
- made in Italy

Article highlights
- pre-drilled tobacco bowl and draught hole
- mouthpiece properly adjusted to the stem
- high grade acrylic mouthpiece
- made in Italy

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The first unique pipe made by yourself. This rough briar bowl is already drilled, the air duct between pipe head and mouthpiece is present and the mouthpiece must not be adapted.
First, the design will be transferred to the briar bowl. After that the briar bowl will be clamped into the vice. This must be done very carefully because the bowl can break if the pressure is too high. Now the rough shape will be worked out with a small hand saw. Then the shape can be worked out with rasp, file and sandpaper until the desired shape is created.
The pipe can be treated with wax, stained, varnished to become lighter or darker or painted. There are almost no limits. If you prefer a shiny finish you can also polish the finished pipe to become high glossed.

Technische Daten

Safety information
no risks
Wirtschaftsakteur nach ProdSG
Molina Group S.r.l., Via Careno, 7, 21040 Vedano Olona (VA), IT, info@molinapipe.it
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The first unique pipe made by yourself. This rough briar bowl is already drilled, the air duct between pipe head and mouthpiece is present and the mouthpiece must not be adapted.
First, the design will be transferred to the briar bowl. After that the briar bowl will be clamped into the vice. This must be done very carefully because the bowl can break if the pressure is too high. Now the rough shape will be worked out with a small hand saw. Then the shape can be worked out with rasp, file and sandpaper until the desired shape is created.
The pipe can be treated with wax, stained, varnished to become lighter or darker or painted. There are almost no limits. If you prefer a shiny finish you can also polish the finished pipe to become high glossed.

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The first unique pipe made by yourself. This rough briar bowl is already drilled, the air duct between pipe head and mouthpiece is present and the mouthpiece must not be adapted.
First, the design will be transferred to the briar bowl. After that the briar bowl will be clamped into the vice. This must be done very carefully because the bowl can break if the pressure is too high. Now the rough shape will be worked out with a small hand saw. Then the shape can be worked out with rasp, file and sandpaper until the desired shape is created.
The pipe can be treated with wax, stained, varnished to become lighter or darker or painted. There are almost no limits. If you prefer a shiny finish you can also polish the finished pipe to become high glossed.

Technical data
Technische Daten
Product safety information

Safety information
no risks
Wirtschaftsakteur nach ProdSG
Molina Group S.r.l., Via Careno, 7, 21040 Vedano Olona (VA), IT, info@molinapipe.it
Order history
To see your previous orders, please log in.

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