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Clipper flint lighter metal printed "Good Grass" assorted
Clipper flint lighter metal printed "Good Grass" assorted
Clipper flint lighter metal printed "Good Grass" assorted
Clipper flint lighter metal printed "Good Grass" assorted
im 12er Display, mit Einzelverpackung
Article highlights
- made of metal
- with metal box
- flint stone can be changed
- with stuffing aid

Article highlights
- made of metal
- with metal box
- flint stone can be changed
- with stuffing aid

Technical data
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CLIPPER provides fire, color and unique design to millions of people around the world. Whether party night, leisure or work break .... CLIPPER lighters accompany you in the most different moments. Thanks to the many designs, there is the right motif for everyone.
Once you have become fond of your CLIPPER, you want to carry it with you as long as possible. No problem ..... the flint can be replaced and the gas refilled without any problems.
But that's not all ..... the system of the removable flint can be used as a tamping aid for self-rolled.

Technische Daten
normal flame stone
gift box
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Technical data
Order history
CLIPPER provides fire, color and unique design to millions of people around the world. Whether party night, leisure or work break .... CLIPPER lighters accompany you in the most different moments. Thanks to the many designs, there is the right motif for everyone.
Once you have become fond of your CLIPPER, you want to carry it with you as long as possible. No problem ..... the flint can be replaced and the gas refilled without any problems.
But that's not all ..... the system of the removable flint can be used as a tamping aid for self-rolled.

Technische Daten
normal flame stone
gift box
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CLIPPER provides fire, color and unique design to millions of people around the world. Whether party night, leisure or work break .... CLIPPER lighters accompany you in the most different moments. Thanks to the many designs, there is the right motif for everyone.
Once you have become fond of your CLIPPER, you want to carry it with you as long as possible. No problem ..... the flint can be replaced and the gas refilled without any problems.
But that's not all ..... the system of the removable flint can be used as a tamping aid for self-rolled.

Technical data
Technische Daten
normal flame stone
gift box
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Order history
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